Talks and posters
Keynote talk
- Conference: Machine Learning Conference for X-Ray and Neutron-Based Experiments, Garching, Germany (2024)
- Generative machine learning for scattering and spectroscopy data analysis
Invited panel discussions
- Conference: Conference: Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2024)
Invited talks - international
- Conference: Chemical Compound Space Conference, Heidelberg, Germany (2024)
- Machine learning for analysis of experimental scattering data in materials chemistry
- Conference: Conference: Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2024)
- Machine learning for analysis of experimental scattering data in materials chemistry
Invited talks - regional
- AI in CHEM Seminar Series, Aalto University, Finland (2025)
- Machine learning for experimental scattering data analysis: concept, practice, and a future with automated laboratories
- Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Graz, Austria (2024)
- Machine learning for analysis of experimental scattering data
- Faraday Masterclass, The Faraday Institution, United Kingdom (2024)
- Machine learning/AI analysis methods for scattering/spectroscopy data
- Danscatt Annual Meeting, Århus, Denmark (2024)
- PhD Award Talk
- Seminar: European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden (2024)
- Machine learning for analysis of experimental scatterin and spectroscopy data in materials chemistry
- Workshop: AI workshop between UCPH, DTU and DMSC, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark (2024)
- Machine learning for analysis of experimental scatterin and spectroscopy data in materials chemistry
- Seminar: DTU NanoLab, Copenhagen, Denmark (2023)
- AI in Science: Transforming Communication, Data Analysis, and Laboratory Practices
- Seminar: Materials Innovation Factory, Liverpool, United Kingdom (2023)
- Towards Automated Structure Analysis of Nanoparticles
- Seminar: European Spallation Source Data Management and Software Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark (2022)
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks to match experimental and simulated inelastic neutron scattering data
Other talks
- Accelerate24, Vancouver, Canada (2024)
- A modular robotic system for autonomous nanomaterial synthesis
- EPDIC18, Padova, Italy (2024)
- Machine learning for analysis of pair distribution function data
- SMART Meeting, DTU (2023)
- Machine helping the Chemist - Towards Automated Modelling of Pair Distribution Function Data
- Best talk award to PhD Seminar, Department of Chemistry, UCPH (2022)
- Machine helping the Chemist - Towards Automated Modelling of Pair Distribution Function Data
- UK Neutron & Muon Science and User Meeting (NMSUM) (2022)
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks to match experimental and simulated inelastic neutron scattering data
- SMART Student Meeting (2022)
- Machine helping the Chemist - Towards Automated Modelling of Pair Distribution Function Data
- SMART Lighthouse PhD Summer School (2021)
- Machine helping the Chemist - Towards Automated Modelling of Pair Distribution Function Data
- Danscatt Annual Meeting (2019)
- Formation mechanism of metal oxido clusters: A complex modelling study using PDF and SAXS
- Nanoscience Symposium (2018)
- Formation mechanism of metal oxido clusters: A complex modelling study using PDF and SAXS
Posters chosen
- MLG - 16th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (2020) (Paper published at workshop)
- Characterising the atomic structure of mono-metallic nanoparticles from x-ray scattering data using conditional generative models
- ADD - 16th Analysis of Diffraction Data in Real Space (2019) (Poster gold medal)
- Formation mechanism of metal oxido clusters: A complex modelling study using PDF and SAXS
- EMRS – European Materials Research Society (2019)
- Formation mechanism of metal oxido clusters: A complex modelling study using PDF and SAXS
- ISIS Student Meeting (2021) (Poster gold medal)
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks to match experimental and simulated inelastic neutron scattering data
- CHEAC Lighthouse Retreat (2021) (Poster medal)
- Automated Characterization of the Atomic Structure of Mono-Metallic Nanoparticles from X-ray Scattering Data using Generative Models
- 6th AI in Chemistry Symposium (2023)
- DeepStruc: Towards structure solution from pair distribution function data using deep generative models
- Summer school on human-in-the-loop and learning with limited labels (2022)
- DeepStruc: Towards structure solution from pair distribution function data using deep generative models
- Epdic17 (2022)
- DeepStruc: Towards structure solution from pair distribution function data using deep generative models
- Conference on High Entropy Alloy Electrocatalysis (2022)
- DeepStruc: Towards structure solution from pair distribution function data using deep generative models
- MaRDA Annual Meeting (2022)
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks to match experimental and simulated inelastic neutron scattering data
- Harwell NextGen ‘Celebration of Science’ Poster Competition (2021)
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks to match experimental and simulated inelastic neutron scattering data
- PhD Seminar - Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen (2021)
- Formation mechanism of metal oxido clusters: A complex modelling study using PDF and SAXS
- Innovative Inelastic Neutron Scattering Workshop (2021)
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks to match experimental and simulated inelastic neutron scattering data
- MAX IV User Meeting (2021)
- Extracting Structural Motifs from Pair Distribution Function Data of Nanostructures using Interpretable Machine Learning
Danscatt Annual Meeting (2017, 2018 & 2020)
AIinChem - 3rd RSC-BMCS / RSC-CICAG Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry (2020)
AIForPANS – Artificial Intelligence Applied to Photon and Neutron Science conference (2019)
- Inorganic Graduate Student Seminar (2018 & 2019) (Poster Gold Medal 2019)