Bachelor theses co-supervisor

BSc students, University of Copenhagen, Department of Chemistry, 2021

Co-supervised 4 bachelor theses projects - 3 using machine learning to analyse scattering data and 1 using scattering to understand the formation process of nanomaterials.

  • Marcus N. Weng (2021) - Using gradient boosting decision tree to classify mono-metallic nanoparticles from pair distribution function data.

  • Joakim Lajer (2021) - Using non-negative matrix factorization to split pair distribution function into their respective chemical components.

  • Nikolaj Jonas Andersson (2021) - Using generative models as a tool to understand what information can be extracted from pair distribution function data.

  • Rebecca Svart Silberg (2022) - Understanding the formation of ultra-small cerium oxide nanoparticles with pair distribution function measurements during reaction.